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Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) is excited to announce the launch of multiple projects aimed at enhancing Ramsey Town Centre.

Funded by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, these projects are designed to improve the town centre, encourage retail opportunities and upgrade essential facilities.

Key improvements include:

  • Pedestrianisation of the Great Whyte area: A focused area within the Great Whyte area of Ramsey town centre, positioned between the Ramsey Library building and the new Ramsey Town Council Civic Centre, will be pedestrianised. This transformation aims to create an improved local environment, making it more capable of hosting events and activities, such as the town market.

  • Development of 'shop in a box’ units: Up to six small retail units, known as ‘shop in a box’, will be developed in the pedestrianised location. These units are intended to enhance the retail and cultural offerings for residents and visitors, complementing but not duplicating existing retail or service options.

  • Upgrades to Mews Close car park: The Mews Close car park will undergo significant improvements, including resurfacing and reconfiguration to allocate additional parking bays, ensuring that those removed for pedestrianisation are replaced in this location.

Phase one of the improvements has seen the appointment of The Retail Champions (ARC) to help identify retail gaps where the innovative ‘shop in a box’ concept can be implemented. ARC will also advise HDC and Ramsey Town Council on the feasibility of these designs and develop business cases. Last week, ARC representatives were on-site in Ramsey, engaging with local businesses to assist in the development of early plans.

HDC has selected AOC as the preferred contractor to develop these options into final designs. Public consultations will be held in September, with initial works starting in January 2025.

Executive Councillor for Economy, Regeneration and Housing, Cllr Sam Wakeford, said: "We look forward to collaborating with Ramsey Town Council on these town centre improvements. By involving local businesses and residents, we aim to attract more visitors and businesses to Ramsey, enhancing Huntingdonshire as a place to live and work."

Mayor of Ramsey, Cllr Val Fendley, said: "We're delighted to see investment in Ramsey town centre. This will build on our work around the Discover Ramsey brand, focusing on the heritage, character and independent shopping experience that underpins our small market town."

Subject to satisfactory consultation and planning, the improvements to the Great Whyte area, including the installation of ‘shop in a box’ units, are expected to start in 2025. Works will be carried out in partnership with Cambridgeshire County Council.

HDC and Ramsey Town Council will jointly host the consultation in September to gather community input and ensure the projects meet local needs and expectations.