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Council Tax

Council Tax Bills 2025/26

We will be releasing the first batch of bills on 14 March 2025 for customers whose first instalment for 2025/26 is 1 April 2025. Another batch will be released on 18 March 2025 for all other customers.

Details of charges for 2025/26 will not show on Portal accounts until 1 April 2025, but you can find charges on our Council Tax page.

Depending on your situation you may be able to claim a discount on your Council Tax bill.

Single person discount

If you are the only adult (aged over 18) living in the property, your bill can be reduced by 25%. Some people aged over 18 can be ignored when counting the number of adults living in your property under Council Tax disregards

More information about single person discounts.

Apply For or Cancel Single Person Discount

Second homes

The percentage discount for second homes is 0%. The only exception to this is where someone is living in a second home that is ‘tied accommodation’.

This means that, if you are living in a property provided by your employer specifically for your job, you may be able to get a 50% discount. If your employer provides the second home for the better/proper performance of your duties, or if there is a special security arrangement in place, please contact us so we can send you an application form.

You cannot claim single person discount on a second home.

The rules about what is (or isn’t) a second home can be complex, so if you wish to discuss your particular circumstances and what Council Tax you need to pay, please call us on 01480 388030.

Annexes occupied as part of main home or by a relative

A 50% discount is available if you have an annexe (or similar self-contained part of a home) which is occupied as part of the main residence or is the main residence of a relative of the person responsible for paying Council Tax on the main property.

Relatives are:

  • spouses

  • parents

  • children

  • stepchildren

  • grandparents

  • grandchildren

  • brothers and sisters

  • uncles and aunts

  • nephews and nieces

  • older generations of each of the above, for example great-grandparents

  • relatives by marriage or civil partnership (two people living together as if they were married or in a civil partnership will be treated as if they were married or in a civil partnership).

The 50% discount continues for as long as the conditions are met. You must let us know if the circumstances change.

If your relative is 65 or over, severely mentally impaired, substantially and permanently disabled or if the annexe is unoccupied, the property may be exempt from Council Tax.

Please contact us to apply for annexe discount.

Disablement reduction

If you, or someone living with you, need any of the following to meet special needs due to disability, you may be entitled to a Council Tax reduction:

  • a special room (other than a bathroom, kitchen or toilet) which is mainly used for meeting the needs of the disabled person

  • a second bathroom or second kitchen

  • extra wheelchair space in your property.

Apply for Disablement Reduction

You may also want to consider a disabled facilities grant.


You are legally required to tell us if you are no longer entitled to claim a Council Tax discount. You must do this within 21 days if your circumstances change. If you knowingly claim a discount to which you are not entitled, you may have to pay a penalty of £70 and criminal prosecution may be taken against you.

Cancel Your Single Person Discount

If you wish to discuss your particular circumstances please call the Council Tax helpline on 01480 388030.