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Council Tax

Council Tax Bills 2025/26

We will be releasing the first batch of bills on 14 March 2025 for customers whose first instalment for 2025/26 is 1 April 2025. Another batch will be released on 18 March 2025 for all other customers.

Details of charges for 2025/26 will not show on Portal accounts until 1 April 2025, but you can find charges on our Council Tax page.

Some people aged over 18 can be ignored when counting the number of adults living in a property.

If someone living with you falls into one of the categories below, they will not be counted for Council Tax purposes and you can claim a 25% discount on your bill.

Please note that the discount cannot be given if, after ignoring all discounted people, there are two or more adults living in the property.

We may require additional proof of entitlement.

Disregarded person categories:

Students and young people

  • 18 or 19-year-olds you are receiving child benefit for (or would be, if they were not in care)

  • 18 or 19-year-olds who are in full-time further education on certain recognised courses, for example A-levels, BTEC and Diplomas

  • 18 or 19-year-olds who left school or college after 30 April, for the period between leaving school/college and 1 November of the same year

  • Students on full-time courses which:

    • last for at least one academic or calendar year
    • require attendance for at least 24 weeks in that year and
    • the student’s study, tuition or work experience totals at least 21 hours per week
  • Youth trainees who are:

    • under the age of 25 and
    • undertaking a course on an approved training scheme with an individual training plan within the Youth Training Scheme such as TCT, Options, Future and Next Step
  • Apprentices who are:

    • employed to learn a trade, business or profession and are studying towards a recognised qualification and
    • receiving a salary and/or allowance which is less than £195 per week and is substantially less than the salary he/she would receive if qualified
  • Student nurses on a course leading to registration on any of Parts 1 to 6 or 8 of the Nursing Register.

Elderly, disabled and incapacitated people

  • Long-term patients in NHS hospitals or armed forces medical centres who do not intend to return home

  • People living permanently in a residential care home, nursing home, mental care nursing home or a high care hostel as their main or only home

  • People who have been certified by a doctor as being severely mentally impaired and are entitled to receive certain benefits, including Severe Disablement Allowance, Disability Working Allowance, Constant Attendance Allowance and Personal Independent Payment.

Carers and care workers

  • Live-in carers who:

    • give care to a person who is not their spouse, partner or a child under the age of 18
    • provide at least 35 hours of care per week
    • give care to a person who is entitled to one of the following benefits:
      • a higher rate of Attendance Allowance
      • the highest rate of care component of Disability Living Allowance (reduced to the middle rate from 8 April 2013)
      • an increase in the rate of Disablement Pension
      • an increase in constant Attendance Allowance
      • the standard or enhanced rate of the daily living component of Personal Independent Payment.
  • Live-in care workers who:

    • provide care to another person on behalf of a charity or local authority
    • work at least 24 hours per week and are paid less than £44 per week for this work
    • live in the premises provided by the employer.


  • People in prison (except those in prison for non-payment of Council Tax or a fine)

  • People detained in a hospital or other place by court order or under an Immigration or Mental Health Act

  • People staying in certain hostels or night shelters

  • Members of religious communities, such as monks and nuns, who have no personal income or savings

  • Diplomats

  • Members (and dependants) of visiting armed forces, international headquarters and defence organisations.

How do I apply?

If you think someone in your household meets any of the disregard conditions, you can apply online for a discount.

Apply Online for Council Tax Disregards

 Call us on 01480 388030 if you have any questions about these disregards.