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Bins & Waste

This is our A-Z guide to help you recycle, reuse or dispose of different kinds of rubbish and other materials.

You can browse the list or search for a specific item by typing it into the Search box below. If you can't find an item, please email us at - we will let you know how to dispose of it and add the item to the list. 

Read the information about plastic resin codes before disposing of plastics.

  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Please make sure the aerosols are empty.

Animal bedding
Animal bedding
  • Garden waste (green bin)
    Garden waste (green bin)

    Straw and sawdust from small animals can go in the green garden bin loose, do not bag.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you can't add it to the garden collections or home compost, bag it up to minimise odour and put it in your grey household waste bin.

Baking tins/trays
Baking tins/trays
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre. Baking tins and trays at the end of their life, can be recycled if taken to the household recycling centre. 

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Recycle

    Your can take baking trays in good condition to your local charity shop.

  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    They can also be disposed of in your grey bin.

  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Never put batteries in your wheeled bins as they are a fire hazard.

    Most shops that sell household batteries have collection bins for used batteries. They can also be taken to your nearest household recycling centre.

Bean bags
Bean bags
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Recycle

    You can take bean bags in good condition to your local charity shop.

Bedding (duvets and pillows)
Bedding (duvets and pillows)
Bedding (sheets, blankets, duvet covers, pillowcases)
Bedding (sheets, blankets, duvet covers, pillowcases)
  • Household recycling centre / Recycling bank
    Household recycling centre / Recycling bank

    Find your nearest household recycling centre. Textiles use a lot of resources in their production, so they should remain in use for as long as possible. Even worn and damaged textiles can be recycled. Please mark as rags before placing in an ASTCO clothing bank or participating charity collection.

Bicycle tyres
Bicycle tyres
Biscuit tins
Biscuit tins
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Metal and plastic biscuit tins are accepted.

Bottle tops
Bottle tops
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)
Bread bags
Bread bags
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Many supermarkets also have dedicated recycling points for soft flexible plastics.

Broken glass
Broken glass
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre. Broken Pyrex-type glass or mirrors should be taken to the household recycling centre where they can be reused in hardcore and aggregate.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    If you cannot dispose of them at the household recycling centre, you can put broken glass bottles and jars in your blue recycling bin.

Broken toys
Broken toys
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre. If they contain electricals/batteries, they should always be taken to the household recycling centre.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you cannot dispose of them at the household recycling centre, you can put them in your grey household waste bin.

    You must remove any batteries as they are a fire hazard - most shops that sell batteries have collection bins for used batteries.

Bubble wrap
Bubble wrap
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Many supermarkets also have dedicated recycling points for soft flexible plastics.

  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination. Squash cans to save space.

Car batteries
Car batteries
Car parts
Car parts
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre. If you have a large amount of cardboard, you take can it to the household recycling centre.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Flatten cardboard boxes to save space. Large boxes can be flat packed and left next to your bin.

  • Garden waste (green bin)
    Garden waste (green bin)

    Small boxes can go in your green bin to reduce moisture.

Carrier bags
Carrier bags
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Many supermarkets also offer dedicated recycling points for soft flexible plastics.

Cartons (such as Tetra Pak)
Cartons (such as Tetra Pak)
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination. Flatten cartons to save space.

Cat food
Cat food
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Cat food pouches
Cat food pouches
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Many supermarkets also offer dedicated recycling points for soft flexible plastics.

Cat waste
Cat waste
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Wrap in a bag or newspaper to minimise odour.

Catheter bags
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Wrap in a plastic bag and tie it up to minimise odour.

  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre. You can also take them to charity shops.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you can't recycle or donate them, you can put them in your grey household waste bin.

  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Many supermarkets also offer dedicated recycling points for soft flexible plastics.

Cereal boxes
Cereal boxes
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Squash boxes to save space.

Christmas cards
Christmas cards
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    If they are just made of card they can go in the blue recycling bin.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If they contain glitter and other embellishments or are foil covered, they will need to go in the grey household waste bin.

Christmas trees (real)
Christmas trees (real)
  • Garden waste (green bin)
    Garden waste (green bin)

    If the tree is taller than your bin, please chop it to the size of your bin. Please note a Garden Waste Subscription does need to be in place.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household recycling centre
Cigarette lighter
Cigarette lighter
Cling film
Cling film
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Many supermarkets also offer dedicated recycling points for soft flexible plastics.

Clothes and textiles
Clothes and textiles
  • Household recycling centre / Recycling bank
    Household recycling centre / Recycling bank

    Find your nearest household recycling centre.

    Textiles use a lot of resources in their production, so they should remain in use for as long as possible. Even worn and damaged textiles can be recycled. Please mark as rags before placing in an ASTCO clothing bank or participating charity collection.

Coat hangers (plastic and wooden)
Coat hangers (plastic and wooden)
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre. You can also take them to charity shops.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you can't dispose of them at the household recycling centre, you can put them in your grey household waste bin.

Coffee grounds
Coffee grounds
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Coffee pod/capsule
Coffee pod/capsule
Cold ashes
Cold ashes
  • Garden waste (green bin)
    Garden waste (green bin)

    Mix with other garden waste. No hot ashes.

Computer games
Computer games
Computer monitors
Computer monitors
Conditioner bottles
Conditioner bottles
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination. Put trigger sprays and pump dispenser tops in separately.

Contact lens case/container
Contact lens case/container
  • Recycle

    Contact lens cases and containers can be recycled through bins provided at many opticians.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you can't take them to an optician you can put them in your grey bin.

Cooking oil
Cooking oil
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Natural corks can be added to home composting systems.

Corn starch, compostable, degradable and biodegradable bags
Corn starch, compostable, degradable and biodegradable bags
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
    You cannot put corn starch, compostable, degradable and biodegradable bags in the green garden waste bin. 
Cotton buds
Cotton buds
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Reduce: Consider reducing waste by using reusable earbuds such as Ear Pick.

Crisp packets
Crisp packets
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Many supermarkets also offer dedicated recycling points for soft flexible plastics.

  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Broken crockery should be taken to the household recycling centre where it can be reused in hardcore and aggregate. Find your nearest household recycling centre.

    Crockery in good condition can be taken to your local charity shop.

  • Household recycling centre / Recycling bank
    Household recycling centre / Recycling bank

    Find your nearest household recycling centre.

    Textiles use a lot of resources in their production, so they should remain in use for as long as possible. Even worn and damaged textiles can be recycled. Please mark as rags before placing in an ASTCO clothing bank or participating charity collection.

Disposable coffee cups
Disposable coffee cups
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Some of the larger coffee shop chains offer a recycling collection. Check out your local stores for more information.

Dog food
Dog food
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Dog waste
Dog waste
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Wrap in a plastic bag and tie it up to minimise odour.

  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre. You can also take them to charity shops.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you can't take them to the household recycling centre or donate them to charity you can put them in your grey household waste bin.

Egg boxes (plastic and cardboard)
Egg boxes (plastic and cardboard)
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Please put cardboard and plastic egg boxes in the blue recycling bin.

Electrical cable
Electrical cable
Engine oil (and filters)
Engine oil (and filters)
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Window envelopes are accepted

Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers
Fluorescent tubes
Fluorescent tubes
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Take large amounts to your local recycling centre. Find your nearest household recycling centre

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Clean foil only. Scrunch it into a ball, especially smaller pieces (ideally about the size of a tennis ball).

Food waste
Food waste
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    We are fully committed to continuing to providing residents with advice to help them minimise the amount of food waste they generate. 

  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If the waste is windfall fruit, it is classed as garden waste and you can put it in your garden bin. If the waste comes from your kitchen, it is classed as food waste and you cannot put it in your garden bin.

Garden waste
Garden waste
  • Garden waste (green bin)
    Garden waste (green bin)

    We will collect small amounts of soil (for a medium-sized potted plant). Take larger amounts to a household recycling centre.

    Japanese knotweed cannot be disposed of in your green bin or local household recycling centre.

Gas bottles and canisters
Gas bottles and canisters
Glass bottles
Glass bottles
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination. Broken glass bottles are accepted.

Glass jars
Glass jars
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination. Broken glass jars are accepted.

  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Greetings cards
Greetings cards
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    If they are just made of card, they can go in the blue recycling bin.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If they contain glitter and other embellishments or are foil covered, they will need to go in the grey refuse bin.

  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Hard plastics
Hard plastics
Human waste
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Wrap in a plastic bag and tie it up to minimise odour.

Incontinence pads
Incontinence pads
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Wrap in a plastic bag and tie it up to minimise odour.

    Have you considered reusable alternatives? We offer discounts from selected providers.

Internal bag of wine box
Internal bag of wine box
  • Recycle

    Many supermarkets offer dedicated recycling points for soft flexible plastics.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Jar lids
Jar lids
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)
Juice cartons
Juice cartons
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination. Flatten cartons to save space.

Kitchen knives
Kitchen knives
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre
  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you can't dispose of them at the household recycling centre you can put them in your grey household waste bin.

    Make sure knives are safely wrapped and cannot cause injury.

Kitchen roll
Kitchen roll
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Kitchen roll tubes/inners can be put in the blue bin.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Garden waste (green bin)
    Garden waste (green bin)
Large electrical items
Large electrical items
Lawn mowers
Lawn mowers
Light bulbs
Light bulbs
Loft insulation
Loft insulation
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)
Make up
Make up
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Plastic containers can be rinsed and put in the blue recycling bin.

Medicine packets
Medicine packets
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
  • Pharmacy

    Take unused medicines to your local pharmacy to be disposed of correctly.

Mercury thermometers
Mercury thermometers
Metal screw cap (from wine bottle)
Metal screw cap (from wine bottle)
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)
Milk cartons
Milk cartons
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination. Flatten cartons to save space.

Mobile phones
Mobile phones
Nail varnish (and remover)
Nail varnish (and remover)
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Plastic containers can be rinsed and put in the blue recycling bin.

Nails and screws
Nails and screws
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you can't dispose of them at the household recycling centre you can put them in your grey household waste bin.

Nappies (disposable)
Nappies (disposable)
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Have you considered reusable alternatives? We offer discounts from selected providers.

  • Pharmacy / GP Surgery

    Syringes, needles and other sharp instruments must be put in sharps boxes and disposed of via a pharmacy or GP surgery. DO NOT put them in your bin.

  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)
Padded envelopes
Padded envelopes
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If they can be disassembled, the bubble wrap and the paper can be added separately into your recycling (blue bin).

  • Household recycling centre (St Neots)
    Household recycling centre (St Neots)

    Please note that only the St Neots recycling centre accepts paint. Paint received at St Neots is collected for use by local charities, community groups, housing associations and individuals in social need.

  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)
  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre
Paper plates/paper tablecloths
Paper plates/paper tablecloths
  • Garden waste (green bin)
    Garden waste (green bin)

    If used and not plastic lined, you can put them in the green garden waste bin.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    If unused and not plastic lined, you can put them in the blue recycling bin.

  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If plastic lined, put them in the grey household waste bin. 

  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    You can also take pens to the recycling points available in Ryman stores.

  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre. Pesticides from households can be taken to your local household recycling centre. Please hand them directly to the site staff who will put them in the hazardous materials boxes.

  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Pizza box (clean)
Pizza box (clean)
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    If free from dirt and grease then put in your blue recycling bin.  Please scrape off all solid food scraps. If the box has a removable cardboard mat please put it in the garden waste (green) bin.

Pizza box (dirty)
Pizza box (dirty)
Plastic bottles
Plastic bottles
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination. Squash bottles to save space. Put lids back on to bottles before putting them into the blue bin.

Plastic cutlery
Plastic cutlery
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Plastic packaging
Plastic packaging
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)
Plastic plant pots
Plastic plant pots
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Empty and clean plant pots (of any colour)

Plastic pots
Plastic pots
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination.

Plastic trays
Plastic trays
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination.

Plastic tubs
Plastic tubs
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination. 

Plate glass (classed as rubble)
Plate glass (classed as rubble)
Polystyrene/foam-type packaging
Polystyrene/foam-type packaging
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Take large amounts to your local household recycling centre.

    From October 2023, polystyrene trays and containers are banned. We encourage businesses to use reusable alternatives where appropriate. However, if this is not appropriate, businesses can supply and sell single-use items made from other materials, such as wood or paper.

    If you have any questions about what the new rules mean for your business, contact

    If you're aware of a business breaking the law, you can report them to Trading Standards.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Printer and toner cartridges
Printer and toner cartridges
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Rubber gloves
Rubber gloves
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Sanitary waste
Sanitary waste
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    We offer discounts from selected providers. Wrap in a plastic bag and tie it up to minimise odour.

Saucepans/frying pans
Saucepans/frying pans
  • Garden waste (green bin)
    Garden waste (green bin)
Scrap metal
Scrap metal
Shampoo bottles
Shampoo bottles
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Rinse to help prevent contamination. Put the lid back on the bottle before putting in the blue bin.

  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre. You can also take shoes in good condition to charity shops.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you cannot dispose of them at the household recycling centre, you can put them in your grey household waste bin.

Shredded paper
Shredded paper
  • Garden waste (green bin)
    Garden waste (green bin)

    You can mix shredded paper in with your garden waste.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)

    If you can't put shredded paper in your green garden waste bin, please put it in your grey household waste bin.

Small electrical items
Small electrical items
Soil and spent compost
Soil and spent compost
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Turf is not accepted

Stoma bags
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Wrap in a plastic bag and tie up to minimise odour

  • Garden waste (green bin)
    Garden waste (green bin)
Styrofoam food trays and cups
Styrofoam food trays and cups
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    From October 2023, polystyrene trays and containers are banned. We encourage businesses to use reusable alternatives where appropriate. However, if this is not appropriate, businesses can supply and sell single-use items made from other materials, such as wood or paper.

    If you have any questions about what the new rules mean for your business, contact

    If you're aware of a business breaking the law, you can report them to Trading Standards.

Sweet tins
Sweet tins
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Metal and plastic sweet tins are accepted

  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
Tea bags
Tea bags
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)
  • Recycling (blue bin)

    Please rinse to help prevent contamination. Squash tins to save space.

  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Put used tissues in the grey household waste bin to minimise infection risks.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Garden waste  (green bin)
    Garden waste (green bin)

    You can put unused tissues in the green garden waste bin.

Toilet roll tubes
Toilet roll tubes
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)
Toothpaste pumps
Toothpaste pumps
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)
Toothpaste tubes (HDPE)
Toothpaste tubes (HDPE)
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Some toothpaste tubes can be recycled through your kerbside collection. These are only just beginning to appear on the market - they must be clearly labelled for recycling at the kerbside and may state 'made from HDPE'.

Toothpaste tubes and boxes
Toothpaste tubes and boxes
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Toothpaste boxes can be put in the blue recycling bin.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Recycle

    Plastic toothpaste tubes can be recycled through collection points such as Terracycle.

Treated wood
Treated wood
Untreated wood
Untreated wood
  • Garden waste (green bin)

    We can only accept untreated wood only - no nails, paint or varnish.

    Treated wood can be recycling at your local household recycling centre.

  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If the waste is from a vegetable patch, it is classed as garden waste and you can put it in your garden bin. If the waste comes from your kitchen, it is classed as food waste and you cannot put it in your garden bin.

Vegware food trays and cups
  • Household waste (grey bin)

    The retailer may have a collection scheme. They can go in home compost systems but not in green garden waste bins. 

    If you don't have a home compost bin and the retailer does not have a collection scheme, they will need to go in the grey household waste bin.

Videotapes and cases
Videotapes and cases
  • Household recycling centre
    Household recycling centre

    Find your nearest household recycling centre

    Some charity shops will accept videotapes

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you cannot dispose of them at the household recycling centre, you can put them in your grey household waste bin.

  • Household recycling centre
  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you cannot dispose of it at the household recycling centre, you can put it in your grey household waste bin.

Water filters
Water filters
  • Recycle

    Water filters can be taken to certain shops for recycling. To find your nearest participating shop visit the BRITA website.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    If you cannot recycle your water filter, please put it in the grey household waste bin.

White goods
White goods
Wrapping paper
Wrapping paper
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Please put paper-based wrapping paper in the blue recycling bin.

  • If you cannot do the preferred option please see alternative options below:
  • Household waste (grey bin)
    Household waste (grey bin)

    Please put foil-based wrapping paper and any with embellishments, such as glitter, in the grey household waste bin.

Yogurt pots
Yogurt pots
  • Recycling (blue bin)
    Recycling (blue bin)

    Please rinse to help prevent contamination