Supplementary planning documents (SPDs) add detail to the policies in development plan documents and provide guidance on particular topics.
SPDs are subject to public consultation before being adopted by us.
The following SPDs have been adopted:
Landscape and Townscape SPD (2022) (adopted 17 March 2022)
Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD (2017) [PDF, 5.5MB] (adopted 20 April 2017)
Huntingdonshire Design Guide SPD (2017) [PDF, 48MB] (adopted 16 March 2017) (please right-click on the document link and select 'Save link/target as...' See below for more details) and Huntingdonshire’s Design Guide SPD 2017 – Compatibility Statement (2021) [PDF, 0.2MB]
Wind Energy Development in Huntingdonshire SPD (2014) [PDF, 5MB]
Developer Contributions: Updated Costs 2023/24 [PDF, 0.2MB] [PDF, 0.3MB]
* Please note: the Design Guide SPD has been produced in an interactive portable document format (PDF). This is intended to help navigation around a large document and to avoid the need to print. Due to the size of the file, document loading times may vary depending on your internet connection speed. To ensure full functionality please right-click on the document link and select 'Save link as...', otherwise this document will display in your web browser and internal document links may not work.
Great Fen Masterplan
The Great Fen is a strategically important project. The Great Fen Master Plan 2010 or successor document is a material consideration for development management purposes.
Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036 specifically references The Great Fen Master Plan and the importance of the Landscape and Visual Setting of the Great Fen within local plan policies LP 3 Green Infrastructure and LP 35 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy.
Some maps within the Masterplan were revised in 2016 - view the maps.
Other guidance
We have also prepared the following document, which is not an SPD and has not been subject to consultation, to provide guidance to prospective developers of wind power schemes: