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Public Access Unavailable (26 - 27 September)

Please be aware Public Access will not be available on 26 - 27 September due to essential maintenance.

While the upgrade is underway, public access to the planning application files, documents, and comment submissions will be temporarily disabled. However, if the upgrade proceeds smoothly, access may be restored sooner.

To accommodate for this downtime, planning officers have been instructed to allow an additional two days for the submission and consideration of comments and responses on planning applications.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this essential upgrade.

Local Plan Update

On 24 January 2023 Huntingdonshire District Council’s Cabinet agreed to the preparation of a full update to the adopted Local Plan which will set out a plan for how the district will grow over future decades. Please visit the Local Plan Update page for further information and details on how to register your interest in upcoming consultations.

The current adopted Development Plan is made up of:

The Development Plan is supported by a series of other planning policy documents.

Policies map

The Development Plan is accompanied by an interactive policies map and map user guide [PDF, 0.7MB].

Adoption statements

Other reference material

Planning policy documents

The Planning Policy Documents page includes links to Huntingdonshire's Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs). These documents add detail to the policies in development plan documents and provide guidance on particular topics. Other information is also provided on this page such as guidance notes for wind turbine development.