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Council Tax

Council Tax Bills 2025/26

We will be releasing the first batch of bills on 14 March 2025 for customers whose first instalment for 2025/26 is 1 April 2025. Another batch will be released on 18 March 2025 for all other customers.

Details of charges for 2025/26 will not show on Portal accounts until 1 April 2025, but you can find charges on our Council Tax page.

How do I claim?

You can claim by completing the single person discount application form. We may award you single person discount after you make a claim for benefit, if the claim shows there is only one adult living in the property.

How long will the discount last?

The discount will last for as long as you are the only adult living in the property.

What can affect my discount?

The following changes may affect your discount and you should let us know if: 

  • another adult comes to stay with you and this is their main home*
  • a child reaches the age of 18*
  • you leave the property on a permanent basis*

We need this information so we can keep our records up-to-date.

* Even though you may no longer be entitled to single person discount, you may be able to get a different reduction to your bill. You can find more information about these on the Disregards and Second Adult Rebate pages.

How do I let you know if my circumstances have changed?

If your circumstances change, you must let us know, in writing, within 21 days. Please email or write to us at:

Council Tax Team
Huntingdonshire District Council
Pathfinder House
St Mary’s Street
PE29 3TN

What happens if I don't tell you about any changes or give false information?

You are legally required to tell us if you are no longer entitled to claim a Council Tax discount.  If you knowingly claim a discount to which you are not entitled, you may have to pay a penalty of £70 and criminal prosecution may be taken against you.

Can I claim a single person discount if...

  • My partner is a member of the armed forces or works away and only comes home occasionally?

No. Your home is still treated as your partner’s only and main residence because there is an intention to return to the property as part of the family unit.

  • A friend is coming to stay for a month's holiday?

As long as they have a main residence elsewhere, your friend will not be considered as part of your household. However, you must still contact us as it not always this simple and single person discount is calculated on a daily basis.

  • A friend stays with me three or four nights a week?

It depends. If your friend keeps their belongings at your house, then your address will be classed as their main residence and you cannot claim single person discount. Who does your friend stay with the other nights of the week? If they stay at various addresses, your address will still be classed as their main address and you cannot claim single person discount. 

  • My daughter has just turned 18 but studies at college?

You may be entitled to a reduction under the full time student status disregard - please contact the Discounts team on 01480 388030 or by email at

If this information doesn't answer your query, please call the Council Tax helpline on 01480 388030 or email