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Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) agreed a new Council Tax Support Scheme for the district at a Full Council meeting on Wednesday 13 December.

The council committed to reviewing the Council Tax Support Scheme as part of its Corporate Plan and sought the views of residents and stakeholders to help inform its development.

The new support scheme will bring a simplified approach that will be easier to understand, access and manage. It will provide increased levels of support of up to 100% of the Council Tax bill for households on the lowest incomes.

The scheme is also designed to work better with the Universal Credit system. It will support families, carers, and applicants who receive a disability benefit, along with taking away the need for constant changes in Council Tax bills by providing a fixed amount of support based on income bands.

The Council Tax Support Scheme for pension-age applicants is set by the government and will continue unchanged.

Executive Councillor for Customer Services, Councillor Stephen Ferguson, said: "We want to improve the quality of life for local people. Our new Council Tax Support Scheme will give more help to the people who need it most.

"Those in receipt of Council Tax Support do not need to contact us as we will automatically transition people to the new scheme. The new Council Tax Support amounts will appear on the annual Council Tax bill.

"If you need help and think you may be eligible, please get in touch to find out more about the scheme and what we can do for you."

View more information about Council Tax Support.