Below are links to evidence base documents that will inform and shape the Local Plan Update. We will update it as new documents become available.
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report [PDF, 5.5MB] - this sets baseline information for Huntingdonshire to inform the development of sustainability objectives to test the Local Plan against.
Land Availability Assessment Methodology [PDF, 0.8MB] – this sets out how we will consider potential sites that have been put forward for potential allocation in the Local Plan.
Sustainability of Settlements [PDF, 2MB] - this sets out how we will assess the sustainability of settlements and will aid in the decision-making on their suitability for future growth in the next Local Plan.
Statement of Consultation [PDF, 2.5MB] - sets out the key responses to Local Plan consultations to date and how we have responded to these.
Huntingdonshire Integrated Water Management Strategy: Stage 1 Water Cycle Study [PDF, 4.5MB] - an evidence base for the Local Plan update looking at an integrated approach to water management, including issues such as water quality, water balance and options for water management.
Huntingdonshire Integrated Water Management Strategy: Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment [PDF, 7.5MB] - an evidence base for the Local Plan update looking at an integrated approach to flooding.
Climate change evidence base consisting of the following documents:
Document A - The role of the Local Plan Update in responding to climate change. [PDF, 0.6MB]
This is an introductory document explaining what is meant by net zero carbon and the context in which the Local Plan Update’s climate change response will operate. -
Document B - Position statement and analysis of baseline and forecast future emissions. [PDF, 2MB]
This sets out the district’s current position including an emissions profile to explain the current baseline which the Local Plan Update will operate within and seek to influence. -
Document C - The contribution of sustainable design to achieving Net Zero. [PDF, 2MB]
This document provides specific policy advice on achieving net zero carbon development in Huntingdonshire. -
Document D - Assessment of spatial strategy options. [PDF, 1.5MB]
This assesses some initial spatial strategy options and their carbon impact, recommending the most effective spatial strategy from a climate change perspective for the Local Plan update. -
Document E - Renewable Energy Assessment. [PDF, 8MB]
This analyses the contribution of renewable energy in reaching net zero and the technical potential for renewable energy across Huntingdonshire. -
Document F - Offsetting and Sequestering Emissions.
[PDF, 2MB]This assesses the role of sequestration and provides policy recommendations to support Huntingdonshire in delivering sequestration of carbon emissions and their offsetting where necessary and appropriate.