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Planning Application Fees Set to Rise on 1 April 2025

Planning application fees will increase on 1 April 2025, please see the forthcoming Planning Application Fee Schedule as prepared by the Planning Portal.

Please note that any applications not correctly submitted (that is, not to a valid standard) by 31 March 2025 will be liable for the new fees before the application can be validated.

Planning Application Amendments

In order to ensure timely decision-making for all our applicants, the planning department (Development Services) will not accept amendments to planning applications.  Once a planning application is made valid it will be publicly available on our Public Access webpages with full details of expected timescales for determination, within statutory timescales.

Please continue to monitor the Public Access webpages for updates including consultee responses to a planning application.

You will need planning permission to carry out any development of land, including new buildings, major alterations to existing buildings and changing the use of buildings or land.

You can make some types of changes, such as certain kinds of extensions and alterations without having to apply for planning permission. These are called permitted development rights.

Use the interactive guides on the Planning Portal to help you work out if you need to apply for planning permission, building control approval or if the work is permitted development.

The Planning Portal also has guides for over fifty common home building work projects.

If a property benefits from permitted development rights but is a listed building, then its rights will be reduced (for example, no outbuildings) and most works will still require listed building consent. This is a prior approval process and cannot be done retrospectively. If work has started, then this procedure cannot be used and a full planning application will be required.

Dropped kerbs

Information about whether you need planning permission can be found on our dropped kerb page.

Household extensions

Householders are allowed to build larger single storey rear extensions than would normally be allowed under permitted development rights.

These extensions are subject to a neighbour consultation process. You need to notify us, by completing the Notification of Home Extension form, of the work you wish to carry out and must wait for us to give you approval before starting the work. 

You may find it useful to read the Guidance Note on completing the form, which also contains further information about the scheme in general.

This extended permitted development does not apply to houses which are located within a conservation area.

If a property benefits from permitted development rights but is a listed building, then its rights will be reduced (for example, no outbuildings etc) and most works will still require listed building consent.

This is a prior approval system and cannot be done retrospectively. If work has started, then this procedure cannot be used and a full planning application will be required.

You can find detailed information on the extension sizes allowed on the Planning Portal’s Interactive Extension Guide.

Confirmation that permission is not required

It's in your best interest to ask us to confirm if planning permission is needed or not before work is undertaken. If permission isn't required, we can provide written confirmation, known as a lawful development certificate. This is your evidence that permission wasn't required if a query is ever raised over why the development didn't have formal planning permission.

Apply for a Lawful Development Certificate

What can I do if I am still not sure if I need planning permission?

If you're still not sure if you need planning permission for a project we advise you to contact a professional planning consultant.