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Planning Application Fees Set to Rise on 1 April 2025

Planning application fees will increase on 1 April 2025, please see the forthcoming Planning Application Fee Schedule as prepared by the Planning Portal.

Please note that any applications not correctly submitted (that is, not to a valid standard) by 31 March 2025 will be liable for the new fees before the application can be validated.

Planning Application Amendments

In order to ensure timely decision-making for all our applicants, the planning department (Development Services) will not accept amendments to planning applications.  Once a planning application is made valid it will be publicly available on our Public Access webpages with full details of expected timescales for determination, within statutory timescales.

Please continue to monitor the Public Access webpages for updates including consultee responses to a planning application.

1. Validation

Once your planning application is received, it is checked to make sure all the required documents, plans and the correct fee have been submitted. If something is missing we will write to you (or your agent if applicable) with details of what we need to receive for the application to proceed.

Once all the required information has been received the application is validated and can be registered.

2. Registration

Your application will then be entered into the register of applications, usually within one week of it being made valid. We will send you (or your agent) an acknowledgement letter with the name of the case officer dealing with the application, the application reference number and the date by which we should make a decision on the application.

Please remember to quote your application reference number when you contact us.

3. Consultation

Details of your application will be published (in the form of letters, planning lists, adverts in the local press and online) to make the local community aware of your proposals.

Anyone wishing to make a comment on an application has 21 days from the date of publication to do so, though comments may be accepted after this time.

Consultation will also take place with the statutory agencies (such as English Heritage, the Environment Agency), utility companies and other council departments.

4. Consideration of your application

Your application will be considered against existing and emerging council policies and any past decisions relating to the site or other similar applications. Checks will also be carried out to ensure the application meets our standards for things such as parking, day lighting and visibility near road junctions.

The planning officer will usually visit the site. They may also contact you if more information or amendments to the application are recommended.

5. Decision

The decision on your application will be made by either:

  • a senior planning officer, after considering the report written by your case officer. The report will take account of all comments received and consider the key planning issues involved, or
  • the council’s Development Management Committee (DMC), which is made up of elected councillors advised by senior planning officers. The DMC will consider the report written by your case officer, which will summarise any comments received and the key planning issues involved.

If your application goes to the DMC you may attend the meeting and listen to the discussion around your application. If you wish to attend, please register your interest by 4.30pm on the Friday before the Monday DMC meeting. If the meeting is on a day other than Monday, please contact us.

Your Right to Speak at the Development Management Committee [PDF, 0.5MB]

Details of the DMC can be viewed on ModernGov. The DMC agenda, minutes and officer reports for the applications are available at least five working days before the relevant meeting.

After the DMC or the planning officer’s decision, you will receive a decision notice.

6. Approval

If your application is approved it may be subject to certain conditions. For instance, we may limit the hours of working on the site or insist that the materials to be used match the existing ones.

We may carry out enforcement proceedings against you if you fail to follow the conditions set.

7. Refusal

If permission is refused, the decision notice will list the reasons for this.

8. Appeals

You have the right to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. The Planning Appeals page has more information on how to appeal a planning decision.