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Planning Application Fees Set to Rise on 1 April 2025

Planning application fees will increase on 1 April 2025, please see the forthcoming Planning Application Fee Schedule as prepared by the Planning Portal.

Please note that any applications not correctly submitted (that is, not to a valid standard) by 31 March 2025 will be liable for the new fees before the application can be validated.

Planning Application Amendments

In order to ensure timely decision-making for all our applicants, the planning department (Development Services) will not accept amendments to planning applications.  Once a planning application is made valid it will be publicly available on our Public Access webpages with full details of expected timescales for determination, within statutory timescales.

Please continue to monitor the Public Access webpages for updates including consultee responses to a planning application.

If you want to change the use of a building or land you will need to make a full planning application for change of use.

It is generally the case that you will need planning permission to change from one use class to another, although there are exceptions where the legislation does allow some changes between uses.

Use Classes and changes of use not requiring planning permission can be found on the Planning Portal and should be looked at before making an application.

If you need to apply for change of use the minimum requirements that are needed for a full change of use planning application are:

  • the application form
  • location Plan
  • plans

Is planning permission required to sub-divide a building?

Planning permission may not be required to sub-divide a building where:

  • sub-division does not involve physical works that amount to development
  • the use of any newly formed units after a building has been sub-divided falls within the same use class as the building’s existing primary use before it was sub-divided, or there is a permitted development right allowing the new use and/or
  • the sub-division does not involve converting a single dwelling house to contain more than one residential unit.

Do I need planning permission to home work or run a business from home?

Planning permission is not normally required to home work or run a business from home, provided that a dwelling house remains a private residence first and business second (or in planning terms, provided that a business does not result in a material change of use of a property so that it is no longer a single dwelling house). A local planning authority is responsible for deciding whether planning permission is required and will determine this on the basis of individual facts. Issues which they may consider include whether home working or a business leads to notable increases in traffic, disturbance to neighbours, abnormal noise or smells or the need for any major structural changes or major renovations.  For clarification you can contact the planning department.