What is a petition?
A petition is a formal request for the council to consider a particular matter or to take a specified course of action. A petition must relate to something that the council does or for which it has a responsibility.
We welcome petitions and recognise that this is one way in which local people can raise concerns.
We have a Petitions Scheme which aims to ensure that all written and electronic petitions are dealt with in a consistent and coherent way, as outlined in our Constitution [PDF, 1.5MB] [PDF, 2MB].
Please read our Petitions Questions and Answers document [PDF, 0.1MB] [PDF, 0.2MB] if you wish to find out more about the Scheme.
Who can submit and sign a petition?
Anyone who lives, works or studies in Huntingdonshire can submit a petition or sign one.
Petitions accepted by the council must meet the requirements specified within the Petitions Scheme.
How do I submit a petition?
Submit a Petition OnlineIf you want to submit a petition in paper form, then please send it to the following address:
The Chief Executive, Huntingdonshire District Council, Pathfinder House, St Mary's Street, Huntingdon, PE29 3TN.
How do I view and support an ePetition?
You can show your support for an ePetition by signing it online.