The cost per year is £57.50 for one garden waste bin and £30 per additional bin (up to a maximum of 3 additional bins).
You can sign up for the service anytime, but the annual subscription runs from 1 April to 31 March.
Even if you join mid-year, you'll be charged for the full year. Renewal is required before the next April to maintain service.
Sign up/renew your subscription for 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026
New subscribers: If you have not used the garden waste service before, you can sign up for the service for the period from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 using this form.
Returning subscribers (card payments): If you subscribed last year (2024–2025) using a card payment, you will need to take out a new subscription for this year (2025–2026). The reference number is unique for each year's subscription, and you must subscribe again with a new request using this form.
Returning subscribers (Direct Debit): If you signed up last year via Direct Debit, this will automatically renew each year. You do not need to sign up again.
Subscribing by Direct Debit makes it even easier as it’s the simplest, stress-free way to manage your payments. You won’t need to worry about remembering renewal dates, and your payments will be automatic and secure.
Sign up/renew for 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026
Use this form to sign up or renew your subscription to the garden waste service for the period 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.
We will start sending out stickers in February 2025. If you have ordered new additional bin(s) as part of your subscription, these will be delivered in February.
Sign up/renew your garden waste service subscription (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026)We have put together some information about the service, including some FAQs below.
How can I cancel my Garden Waste Subscription Direct Debit payment?
If you no longer wish to continue with your Garden Waste Subscription for the next year, starting 1 April 2025, you can cancel your Direct Debit directly with your bank to avoid any further payments.
Once the bank reports the cancellation, it will update the system accordingly.
How can I change my Garden Waste Subscription Direct Debit account details?
If you would like to change your account details for the Garden Waste Subscription Direct Debit, please contact us on 01480 388640 and provide the updated information.
Alternatively, you can email with your new details so we can update your account accordingly.
Do I have the three year discount applied to my Garden Waste Subscription if I paid via card?
No, the three-year discount is only applicable if you opted to pay via Direct Debit during the Early Bird offer before January 2024. If you paid by card, the Early Bird discount applied for the first year only, from 1 April 2024 until 31 March 2025.
The Early Bird offer reduces the annual cost of the first green bin to £50 (instead of £57.50) if you subscribed by the deadline. However, to lock in the £50 price for a minimum of three years, you must have paid for the service via Direct Debit.
What happens if my Direct Debit Garden Waste Subscription payment fails?
If your payment is unsuccessful, the system will automatically retry within 3 to 5 days. Please ensure your account has sufficient funds during this time. You will receive an email notification regarding the failed payment. If the second attempt is also unsuccessful, your subscription may not be renewed.
When will you collect my unwanted bin?
Once you have asked for your bin to be removed via the online form, we will collect your bin within 6 weeks.
Please note that only empty garden bins will be collected and removed so do not fill them.
Please note the bin needs to be accessible and visible.
What can I put in my garden waste bin?
If you subscribe to the service you can put the following in the garden waste bin:
Yes please
√ Weeds
√ Hedge trimmings
√ Small twigs and branches (less than 2.5cm (1") in diameter)
√ Grass cuttings
√ Flowers, plants, and windfall fruit
√ Leaves
√ Shredded paper
√ Small animal bedding (vegetarian only, for example rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and rats
√ Ashes (these need to be cold before putting in the bin)
No thank you
X Food waste
X Plastic bags or bin bags
X Flowerpots and trays
X Soil
X Stones or rubble
X Branches or logs (larger than 2.5cm (1") in diameter)
X Any other household rubbish
X Textiles
X Animal waste
X Compost and turf
How do I dispose of my food waste now that it is no longer accepted in the garden bin?
By law, we cannot charge for the collection of food waste. As there is a charge for the new garden waste service, this means we cannot accept food waste as part of these collections.
If the waste is from a vegetable patch or windfall fruit, it is classed as garden waste and you can put it in your garden bin. If the waste comes from your kitchen, it is classed as food waste and you cannot put it in your garden bin.
We are fully committed to continuing to providing residents with advice to help them minimise the amount of food waste they generate.
Approximately 70% of the food waste from UK households that is thrown away is edible. By cutting food waste the average UK household can save £500 each year.
We want to encourage residents to reduce the amount of food waste that they are generating which not only helps the environment but saves you money too.
Love food Hate Waste provides tips to assist householders to reduce their food waste, from how to store your food to make it last longer, portion planning to some great recipes to use up your leftovers.
There will always be some food waste and if you have or are thinking about home composting or a wormery, these are an ideal way to create soil conditioner for your garden.
You can also put food waste in your grey refuse bin. The contents of these bins are treated via a Mechanical Biological Treatment plant (MBT).
Currently 37% of grey bin waste is food waste. We do not expect a significant increase in this percentage based on the analysis of other councils that charge for garden waste collections.
What else can I do with my garden waste if I don't sign up to the subscription service?
Please visit the Garden Waste Initiatives page for more information.