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A Civil Injunction Order [PDF, 1MB], applied for by Huntingdonshire District Council and Cambridgeshire Constabulary against 'Persons Unknown', was granted by Cambridge County Court on 6 November 2024.

The Injunction Order will remain in force for a period of 2 years, until 6 November 2026, unless it is either varied or set aside, and has affect over St Neots town centre.

Below are details of the Injunction Order, alongside a map detailing the location covered by the Court Order.

Map covering the area of the B1428 up to the B1043, West onto Tebbutts Road, South on to New Street, West on to Priory Lane, South on to the Priory joining back onto the B1428.

Any breach of this Order will amount to a Contempt of Court for which there are severe sanctions upon an individual, or group of individuals, including:

  1. Payment of an unlimited fine

  2. Imprisonment for up to a period of 2 years

  3. The imposition of a suspended prison sentence

  4. An Order for an individual, or group of individuals, to undertake community service.

The details of the Order made are that:

The defendant(s) is/are forbidden whether by themselves or by instructing or encouraging or permitting any other person from:

  1. Conducting acts of harassment or verbal abuse towards any persons whilst thought to be engaging in any of the other prohibited activities included in this Civil Injunction

  2. Conducting any activities which involve accessing any property with the intent to gain access to stairs and roofs within the area of this civil injunction, that area being detailed in the map attached, without permission of the occupier or owner of the property

  3. To run jump or climb across rooftops within the area of this Civil Injunction, that area having been detailed within the attached map and plan, without the permission of the owner or occupier of the property.