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People & Communities

System Maintenance: 15 - 16 March 2025

System maintenance is scheduled from 15 - 16 March 2025. This may cause disruption to the website, including various online services such as online forms and planning public access. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) was approved in Ramsey Great Whyte area and took effect from 7 November 2024 for a period of 3 years.

In response to anti-social behaviour in the Ramsey Great Whyte area, Huntingdonshire District Council and Cambridgeshire Police will be enforcing the following PSPO conditions:

a. No open vessels: On all land described by this PSPO, a person commits an offence if they have on their person an open vessel of alcoholic/intoxicating substance, unless:

i. Prior permission has been granted by a Local Authority (Parish, Town, District or County Council) for the purpose of an arranged public event.

b. No personal use of narcotic substances: On all land described by this PSPO, a person commits an offence if a Constable believes that on the balance of probabilities they are consuming illegal narcotic substances for personal recreational use, unless:

ii. Substances being consumed are for medicinal purposes and are prescribed to the person by a medical professional.

c. Public defecation/urination: On all land described by this PSPO, a person commits an offence if they defecate or urinate in any public place described by this PSPO, unless:

iii. They do so in a dedicated public toilet facility, or a private toilet facility with the property owner’s permission.

d. Intimidating behaviour: On all land described by this PSPO, a person commits an offence if they act in a way that is considered to be harassing, alarming or distressing to others within the vicinity of the PSPO area; behaviours include, but not limited to:

iv. Aggressive shouting at any person

v. Any offensive language

vi. Physical altercation

vii. Street harassment (Heckling or cat-calling passersby).

viii. Excessive noise (including music played from a device or instrument)

ix. Behaviours that causes alarm and distress to residents, business owners and visitors.

Offenders may be issued with a fixed penalty notice of £100 or a fine of up to £1,000 if prosecuted under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

The conditions of this Public Spaces Protection Order apply to the land within Ramsey Town centre and immediate areas which encompasses all public highways, footpaths, bridleways, and public access which are part of Great Whyte, Newton Green and New Road, Mews Close and Car Park and, all connecting public footpaths and Public accessible property frontage linked to the footpaths.

i. B1040 – Great Whyte, north-west and south-east between the roundabout connecting to Stocking Fen Rd, to the Junction High Street.

ii. New Road from Great Whyte including Newton Green.

iii. Mews Close and any linking routes through from Great Whyte.

iv. Mews Close Car Park.

View the public consultation results [PDF, 0.3MB].