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People & Communities

Extensive consultation in relation to the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Ramsey was conducted with residents, businesses, Town Councillors and Ward Members, and also Cambridgeshire Constabulary and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire.

The Ramsey PSPO consultation results indicate that local residents, businesses and those using the Great Whyte Area of Ramsey have been impacted by the behaviours within the location, and are highly supportive of the implementation of the PSPO.

With 318 of 328 respondents strongly agreeing/agreeing with the proposed conditions, and 302 of 328 agreeing with the location of the PSPO, it highlights the need for implementation within the area.

Below are the consultation results for the PSPO.

1. Are you responding as:

  • A Ramsey Resident - 277

  • Business owner in Ramsey - 8

  • Work in Ramsey - 7

  • Representing a community/volunteer group - 7

  • Other - 29

2. (If representing a voluntary/community organisation) Please specify the type of stakeholders or residents your community group or voluntary organisation represents:

  • Public

  • Children and young people

  • Ramsey Community Bus Association

  • Community bus Organiser

  • SEN Children

  • All, but particularly church goers

  • Ramsey Town Council

  • Transporting elderly and infirm residents to appointments and social functions

  • Education and resident

  • All residents

  • Resident, also a member of Ramsey Baptist church (community group and volunteer)

3. To what extent do you agree with the Proposed PSPO conditions?

  • Strongly Agree - 301

  • Agree - 17

  • Neutral - 7

  • Disagree - 1

  • Strongly Disagree - 2

4. If you disagree with any of the PSPO conditions, please say why below:

19 Responses in total, however, responses including "N/A" or "Don't disagree" have not been included in this summary:

"The area should be extended to include the park in Mill Lane. It is a known area where drugs are being dealt!"

"The new estate by Tesco needs to be considered. I live in the estate and there is a lot of anti-social behaviour here including criminal damage and drug dealing. It's great that there is going to be a bigger presence but it still needs more"

"I don't want the drunks and druggies being pushed into residential areas causing problems there."

"Public Spaces should be protected, and the activities quoted in the proposal don't sound pleasant, so I'd welcome their "prevention", however, I question how they will actually be prevented (by who, and when?), and feel they appear to include if, for example, a small child was to "wet themselves" in for example a pushchair whilst in the town. What happens if, for example, an elderly/infirm person was to do so too? There's also a complete lack of public toilets since the Grand Theatre redevelopment made way for the new Library, which does have toilets but is very restricted in opening hours. Ramsey needs dedicated toilet facilities if the issues being reported by the proposal are an issue in the town centre. I feel that the PSPO should actually cover the entire boundary of "Ramsey", not just some selected roads. What prevents the problem from being shifted outside of the proposed boundary? I hope it also includes from the balcony above the Public Library, as there are often "interactions" to/from people using those balconies down to/from the people in the street, it's not a nice atmosphere."

"Open vessel clause needs to allow businesses to have the ability to authorise outside their licences premises if complying with conditions of the licence. Not just for town events"

"I would like the scheme to cover a wider area during times children would be expected to walk to/from school and to seep deeper into the estates during these times."

"Needs to cover the whole town when kids are walking to and from school"

"You have to be very careful putting a PSPO in place in certain areas to deal with a minority, whose behaviour should be dealt with by the police under current anti-social behaviour laws, already is place, so why is there a need to define this. It could have a negative effect on the town and move those it is targeting to other areas like parks and playgrounds frequented by families and children, which is far more worrying, as it becomes out of sight out of mind. Whilst I agree that this is not what we want in our town centre current laws are enough to deal with this if police choose to act, a police presence in an ever increasingly populated town is far bigger requirement than designating a zone for bureaucratic purposes and somewhat of a paper excise, with no significance if it not back by a police presence. Why define something that is already there in law anyway?"

"Ramsey residents and commercials should be protected from anti-social behaviour but not restricted by not letting use their cars."

"should also include out of control dogs, does public drinking mean that you couldn't still do the great dine out? or will there be exceptions?"

"I completely understand that there is an issue around this however moving the problem out of town is only going to cause other residents problems. Mill house now has recovering alcoholics living there causing problems for local residents shouting and approaching people in the area which is very intimidating. Surely it is better for them to be in an area where they are monitored on CCTV rather than moving them the other areas. Let's be honest they will end up residing in children's play areas, where they have benches to sit on etc. I completely respect that something needs to be done but you are always going to have people complaining and shop owners complaining about these people, but these people are human and they have an illness, I am sure they are not in this situation through choice and people need to try and remember this. There are only a couple of them that get out of hand but as a whole they are polite. I would have to say that the problem has escalated since the new houses have been built as there are a lot more louder people there now and if Mill house is going to allow people to stay there will drug and alcohol problems then things will not improve."

"Should be extended to include mill lane public spaces/park, abbey green and church green"

"The law is surely strong enough now the order being proposed can and has been used to varying degrees to stop public protest and gathering. Why do we need this order if the laws we currently have are sufficient. It seems as though it's just an easy way to enforce what we already have."

5. To what extent do you agree with the proposed location for the Public Space Protection Order in Ramsey? Please refer to the maps located in the proposal document within HDC's website.

  • Strongly Agree - 259

  • Agree - 43

  • Neutral - 8

  • Disagree - 14

  • Strongly Disagree - 4

6. If you disagree with the PSPO location, please say why you disagree below:

39 Responses in total, however, responses including "N/A" or "Don't disagree" have not been included in this summary:

"I agree that you have targeted the problem spots, but feel this could be extended to Mill Fields Park and also the seating area by the Rivermill Apartments as people will just congregate there instead."

"Please extend to include the Park in Mill Lane and the surrounding area."

"The Area shown on the plan covers two private walkways! (The Darling Mews and the alleyway by 34 Great Whyte) but not the Public Footpath between the Great Whyte and Palmers Close a long side Spring Court"

"I would not like to see the tables outside by the Jolly Sailor impacted by this order, but otherwise agree 100%."

"Needs to include new estate"

"I don't disagree, although I do feel the walkway between Spar and The Mews should be covered. This is where discarded drugs have recently been found. When Mews gates are locked this is the route used rather than walking via Whytefield Road."

"I agree to the areas listed but think they should be extended to include other areas, such as near the river near Rivermill flats, the public footpath along Slade dyke as lots of beer cans"

"I have concerns that with the order in place, it may push the issues and reasons for the order further out to other parts of Ramsey and surrounds, what confidence can you give us this will not happen and what will you put in place to mitigate that possible issue and ongoing."

"I feel you are pushing the problem into residential streets, my daughter has experienced issues with a few of the people at Mill House, due to being drunk and this is possibly where they will now hang out. I feel that as this is just off new road it should be incorporated into the area concerned."

"Need to add church green on there as at times antisocial groups can gather there"

"This will merely push bad behaviours out a small way from the town centre. it should also include the high street and areas around the schools."

"Wider area"

"Agree but wish the area would expand to all public surfaces in Ramsey"

"Removal from Ramsey totally would be better."

"I feel it should cover the entirety of Ramsey's publicly accessible spaces, the issues being reported aren't acceptable anywhere if they aren't acceptable in the proposed locations, so to not include the other areas seems at odds with that. I hope it also includes from the balcony above the public Library, as there's often "interactions" to/from people using those balconies down to/from the people in the street, it's not a nice atmosphere."

"Extend to cover benches by factory bank - a well-known alcohol/drug spot"

"Living on Little Whyte I witness regular visits from people buying drugs. One regular has a dog in his van, and shouts and swears loudly at him. I have witnessed a man get into a works van, snort a white, powdery substance, vomit out of the window onto the road and drive away. I have witnessed fights and arguments between a drug dealer and others, as well as intoxicated people walking to/from The Kickers and The Angel. There is a betting shop on Little Whyte, which has been robbed at knife point. Little Whyte is used by many school children, from ages 4 to 18, as their route to and from school, and should not be subjected to such behaviour. I strongly feel Little Whyte should also be included."

"This should include a much wider area inclusive of the pond area and benches near the church and the children's park on park road."

"I don't disagree, but please please add the Millfields play park. This area has been used by the local as a drinking area as well."

"Should cover any area with benches. These people are lazy, if there's a bench, they'll be drunk there."

"If a PSPO is going to be instated it should cover the whole town, not specific areas."

"Can drive for emergency situations like taking my youngest kids or taking my elderly parents to the centre by car. You disable people. Shame on you."

"I think it should be extended to include Field Road and the new estate opposite Tesco"

"I would suggest including the Abbey Green, the area around and behind the Abbey Rooms near the golf course."

"I actually feel it would benefit residents of surrounding streets as well as the areas marked out in the proposed locations as a resident who is regularly bothered by noise etc from local drink/drug users when passing by my property"

"Include the high street"

"Need to include around mill/factory bank"

"These ladies and gentlemen will not be covered on CCTV and the consequences are they end up in play park and can't be monitored"

"Should be extended to cover all of the High Street from Blenheim Road to Wood Lane too"

"Should be extended. I live in Newtown Road and am frequently disturbed by intoxicated men walking and cycling in the street shouting at each other and disturbing the peace"

"Just want to make sure the people who do this won't be spread to go to another area instead. Happy for the people not to urinate, take drugs or drink in the centre of town."

"There are pubs in the centre of town with outdoor seating. Would these be impacted? and the dine-out Fridays which have been hugely popular also have an outdoor bar in the centre of town. These are key features of the town centre that would be a shame to remove."

"Should be extended to include Mill Lane public spaces/park, abbey green and church green"

"For the same reason as before the proposal is floored use what you have."

"Would like to see a larger area covered, especially the green by the abbey school and the church. It has been witnessed that an intoxicated man was being given a "sexual favour" by a drugged, intoxicated female. This was seen by school children plus adults, leaving school. Also include the B and M area Newtown road."

"I strongly agree with the areas already proposed, however, I do feel the areas should cover Bankers Walk and Willow Way. I live in a home on New Road, opposite the park, next to Bankers Walk; I know there have been significant disturbances in Bankers Walk, including at least one occasion attended by the police, where the wall at the top of Bankers Walk was damaged during a fight, and remains broken. My own back garden was also entered via Willow Way at around 3am by one of the men involved in the disturbances. He was throwing items in our garden around, banging and kicking our back door extremely violently in an attempt to enter our property, shouting, swearing, fighting with someone who was not there, trying to get in one our our households cars as well as my neighbours, and displaying other concerning behaviours. This resulted in him being removed by the police, although we chose not to have him arrested. As he entered our garden via Willow Way, and there have been disturbances in Bankers Walk, I feel it’s fair to include these areas. Local residents, including ourselves, have been scared by the behaviour in these areas."

7. Overall, do you think that the introduction of a PSPO will have a positive or negative impact in Ramsey?

  • Positive Impact - 263

  • No Impact - 25

  • Negative Impact - 9

  • Don't know/Not sure - 31

8. If you feel the PSPO would have a negative impact, please state why below:

23 Responses in total, however, responses including "N/A" or "Don't disagree" have not been included in this summary:

"Unless it covers the main area of Ramsey - All that will happen is the issue will move onto the High Street and Church Green, but at least it won't be outside the council office!!"

"Because nothing ever gets done"

"Because it will leave the residential areas open to abusive behaviour"

"It will just move the behaviours elsewhere - and who will police it - I can't remember the last time I saw police officers on patrol in Ramsey"

"Concerned it won't make a difference since there isn't any local police presence"

"I think it's making Ramsey sound like an awful place, and indeed it does appear to have become worse in recent years. That said, if the issues that are being proposed to be prevented are happening (and I've experienced as a passer-by, or whilst waiting for the bus, the shouting across the Great Whyte from people, and people hanging about on the Great Whyte near the bus stop who aren't using the bus stop, and with large dogs, and the shouting to/from the balconies above the Public Library, then yes that would be positive to prevent those"

"I don't feel it will improve behaviour, I believe it will continue to happen outside the zones."

"There is never a police presence in the town either to enforce the proposals or the speed limits."

"Having the order is one thing but I suspect those it aims to tackle are extremely unlikely to ever read any publication for any such order. The only medication for this is rigid enforcement by the police though this will only serve to push them a little further out of town. These subjects should be prevented from buying alcohol in the first instance and then possessing it in public."

"The PSPO in the area defined will shift the problem to more areas where families and children use, you are just shifting the problem not dealing with it."

"You create more stress in rush times. More traffic"

"There is nobody who will police this PSPO. It's a great idea in principle but will need to be policed. There is no longer a police presence in Ramsey sadly."

"Will only have a positive impact if it is enforced. No good having one if police and council officials are still nonexistent in Ramsey"

"I worry about the Great Whyte Dine Out in 2025 and how the open vessel stipulation will affect those events?"

"We need a stronger police presence. Without police, Ramsey has become lawless in some areas."

"It's a great idea, I just wonder if it will push them further into the community. Possibly add the local car park for the mews"

"Just hope it's adhered too"

"As before, your questions are typical repeat, the proposal is floored I don't need to repeat it."

"I doubt that the long-term resources will be funded that will be required to enforce the new procedures."

"My only concern is that it may drive the behaviour into another area of Ramsey."

9. Please share any other thoughts in regard to the PSPO here:

"Many people especially children on their way home from school avoid the area of the clock tower and bus station. This can only be a positive to stop anti-social and intimidating behaviour. I do not let my oldest child along the Great Whyte by herself due to these individuals."

"This will be fantastic for Ramsey as the antisocial behaviour is ruining the Town. Footfall has dropped due to people feeling intimidated by drunks and drug users."

"Fantastic news. It must be policed properly to be effective though"

"It is a good idea as nothing has worked so far. The area needs to be policed regularly not just when an incident happens."

"It's hugely important for the whole community to feel safe coming into the Town Centre of Ramsey. The anti-social behaviour is having an impact on the community wanting to use local shops, they would rather go elsewhere. It's important that school children are not witness to the abusive language and behaviour that the individuals display on a daily basis and that parents feel comfortable for their teenage children to walk through the town on their way to school without being verbally abused. It's equally important for people to be able to use the benches to wait for buses, especially the elderly."

"Very much needed along with many other things including speeding"

"I would fully support this but think it will only have a positive impact if there is sufficient man power available to enforce it. My only concern would be that the issues may just move to another part of the town."

"It's success will be dependent on how it is enforced. People currently ignore double yellow lines, zig zag lines and the 20mph speed limit. Not to mention drug dealing."

"Very very good idea I agree whole heartedly I’m really glad this matter is being taken seriously. Myself a lots of others actively avoid the centre of Ramsey due to the regular drunks sitting there. They also are very rough with their dogs which I feel also needs to be addressed"

"Definitely needed to stop people making Ramsey an awful place to live."

"I agree that PSPO needs to be introduced to provide Police officers more tools to do their job and keep the streets safe and free of drugs and alcohol. I do have reservations however, the main concern is that the root cause of the problem must be fixed. It is well known that certain individuals residing mostly in social housing are the main perpetrators and while ever these individuals reside in the town centre, there will always be problems."

"By implementing a PSPO in the areas of the high street - yes it will clear the streets of filth and it may well be hailed a success, but I fear it will only move the problem on elsewhere to nearby parks and other areas where good law abiding citizens go about their business that will be affected by this implementation. I also feel that this is one of two actions. You need to rid the streets of filth before the new ideas of installing small business units in the high street can truly take off. Ramsey requires more pulling power. It's a town of just over 5000 residents, yet sits on the outskirts of Peterborough a city of 220k residents, it should be a haven for small business to thrive. We need quality service based businesses to open and not just fronts for criminal activity which has been proven to be true in the past - this includes putting in additional mechanisms in place to further protect workers ensuring they aren't working against their will and are earning a fair wage, it's sad to have to write this but the recent restaurant incident doesn't fill one with confidence. I truly believe Ramsey is cracking little town with so much potential. This is unfortunately let down with many residents being of a negative mindset having never lived anywhere else. I do have concerns over the amount of parking, having not seen the artist impression I cant pass judgement but it is something that needs to be factored in, if you are to want Ramsey to be a thriving town."

"about time"

"Should extend to Little Whyte or at least Whyte Court which is located on Little Whyte. There is a bench located just off of Whyte Court where people in question like to congregate often"

"This will only work if the rules/laws are enforced"

"No other thoughts, other thank you to everyone for the time and effort taken to get this put in place. It is intimidating having to walk through town with the group of drunks sat on benches shouting and swearing."

"Needs to be policed!"

"Something needs to be done"

"It's really needed. The street drinkers are intimidating and put people off of using the Town centre."

"Need more police around New estates have caused this"

"Ramsey used to be a safe town where your kids could play out safely now there are drunks and drug users on every road !!"

"We know that young people have been affected by the anti-social behaviour. Some are scared to walk home from school through the town centre."

"The anti-social drinking in the main part of the town is a blight for residents, businesses and visitors. Older people, children and vulnerable people feel unsafe and intimidated, and often avoid this part of the town"

"We have passengers who wait at the bus stop opposite the library, particularly on a Friday who are troubled by some these antisocial behaviour"

"This consultation and proposal has been to long coming, our town has been taken over with disgusting behaviour - I wholeheartly comend all methods of removing these types of people they do not help or encourage anyone to come to our town either as visitors or customers- people find it vile and intimidating."

"We have way to many drunks and druggies, also I hope mill house in silver street will be covered. We have had the police here sometimes twice a day due to the fact they moved a drunk in here and as a consequence all the town drunks meet in her flat. Plus she holds drugs for glen hayden who recently got arrested here. Mill house is for the elderly and subjecting them to all this noise and harassment does no good. The police have been brilliant and we got one trouble maker banned from the building. But I fear if you move them on they will come here. If you cover Mill House in your restrictions this would be perfect."

"I think the only way this will have any impact is if there are actually police officers in Ramsey to enforce it. It will do no good to put it in place if there’s no enforcement."

"The PSPO is absolutely necessary if businesses and shops are to thrive in Ramsey the town centre."

"As a Ramsey resident who has been adversely affected by the antisocial behaviour, this can only be a positive consultation. At times the gathering of people is very intimidating and is not good for the economy of the town either due to the behaviours and large gatherings in limited space."

"Something is needed as any other resolutions have only been adhered to for a short time. The street drinkers have several dogs and they have been seen to I'll treat the animals and on occasion they too can be aggressive. Many people are scared to walk past and frequently cross the road. They are spoiling the planters, littering the parked and vomiting in the street, especially around the benches. They are high profile and do not reflect well on the town as far as visitors are concerned. There is no point in doing any work to increase footfall, improve the town with this behavior."

"How will it be enforced?"

"This just needs to be properly policed. The town is going down hill quickly, not helped by shipping in horrible people from other locations."

"How will the PSPO be enforced to make a difference or will this allow more action to then be taken when trying to enforce it - for example those drinking on the high street now shouldn't but it doesn't change it. Changes have to start somewhere, but I do also worry that restrictions to the high street will lead to an increase to issues elsewhere and how will these also be managed? I have already seen an increase in drug abuse on public fields and in children playparks. (King George Park -Park road, Ramsey)"

"Exactly how is going to be policed? The town isn't policed now, so what difference will this make. Double yellow lines are totally ignored. The 20 mph is a joke and greatly ignored."

"Think it’s a great idea and will make Ramsey a better place"

"There are so many weird people hanging around high street drinking alcohol, I have seen people using the toilet on the streets. You get harassed when you are out it’s not a pleasure place to live."

"With regard to the drunks sitting near the clock I feel very vulnerable when passing near them and try to avoid them but it's not easy when access to the pelican crossing is needed particularly for people like me who have mobility issues."

"It’s a shame it’s got to this stage. But I hope it will help make us feel safer in our home town. And give the confidence that we can walk the streets alone. When I was a teen I would feel safe to walk the streets but not in even in daylight hours now as it’s unnerving of how or who and in what state you will meet people in the town centre. I like to support local businesses but it’s a same as it’s putting such a bad reputation on the high street of Ramsey. I avoid it as much as possible if I’m perfectly honest."

"The threatening disturbances will re-locate to other areas in Ramsey. The cause is not being addressed."

"Can it not include all playground areas (King George and Mill Lane too)."

"No one wishes to live, visit or work in an area with increasing public nuisances which are increasingly intimidating and unsanitary. I hope this order will significantly decrease and/or remove the problems. Hopefully this will include ongoing monitoring and a review period."

"It’s been going on for too long, I have reported an incident once. Over the summer holidays we used the bus stop a lot for our day trips. It is really intimidating when a group of intoxicated people are right next to you when getting off the bus with lots of vulnerable children. Please do something about it"

"What will be done when the people this PPSO is aimed at inevitably move to another part of Ramsey?"

"I think this is a waste of time unless it is properly policed. It will only work if it is policed and people are arrested. We have speed limits that need enforcing, people parking on double yellow lines and pavements - people driving on pavements - just today i witnessed a car nearly it some school children as it went up on the path - to make this work you will need a constant police presence in the town and they will have to do their job across the aboard, including parking nd illegal driving."

"Please can this include animals been left in properties to bark all day long or escaping and frightening people."

"I and other’s that I know actively avoid the Ramsey town centre. You feel intimidated as they shout obscenities at you. Also when going into the chemist I do not agree that the heroine addicts should stand in full view of others taking their methadone . They come out of there and then sit in the centre drinking and taking drugs for all to see and hear. I absolutely think a PSPO should be in place . It should have been done long ago."

"I feel that this is a wonderfully positive step towards making Ramsey feel like a welcoming and community minded place again. The anti-social behaviour that happens in the town centre currently on an almost daily basis has made me feel like I don’t like where I live and that I’m not proud of where I live. I am so glad that something is being put in place to acknowledge and address this issue. Thank you."

"I’m not entirely sure it’ll have any impact, but we can only try as it can’t continue as it is."

"An excellent and long overdue proposal to address the unacceptable antisocial behaviour but concern about the practicalities of effective implementation and more clarity needed about the consequences of breaching the PSPO."

"Fully support as long as it’s enforced and monitored. Town needs regular police patrols as a standard."

"Removal for good from Ramsey would be best but this is such a good start. Even young children can feel the unease at school times while walking through the town which is so sad. Fingers crossed this works
I don't understand who or how will enforce the PSPO, is it HDC officers, the police, or just the wishful hope that if there's a rule in place those causing trouble will disperse/stop? How are you (whoever enforces it) going to check if an "open vessel" contains "alcoholic/intoxicating substance"? The proposed PSPO also doesn't list what the "penalty" is for breaching it? Does someone just get a telling off, or a fine, or what? Is there any leniency/common sense, to except certain cases, or is it a hard and fixed rule that applies in each and every case no matter what? Does the PSPO prevent potential future "spill out seating" in the refreshed/updated Great Whyte that HDC, Ramsey Town Council, and CPCA are proposing? The following must also apply to the windows/balconies of properties in the immediate vicinity of the proposed zone: --- iv. Aggressive shouting at any person vii. Street harassment (Heckling or cat-calling passersby). viii. Excessive noise (including music played from a device or instrument) ix. Behaviours that causes alarm and distress to residents, business owners and visitors. --- Otherwise what good is preventing the issue at street level, if it still happens from a property out to the street?"

"Anytime of day in Ramsey currently, it feels unsafe to walk in the central area outside the library. A group of drunks are always there shouting and making people feel uncomfortable. Even at the great Whyte dine out the other week, the one drunk approached me when I was with my children. Additionally there is a very strong smell of drugs in the same area which is such a shame. This puts everyone off going to the library and using the public toilets round the corner."

"I think there is genuine good intention behind this proposal. However, without a Police presence in Ramsey, I believe this will have little impact. Those individuals known to cause unsociable behaviour will relocate and potentially cause issues elsewhere."

"I would include the High Street in Ramsey too as that is where my son and other children were chased by a man a few months ago. I believe this to be Sean Thurling, who is well known in Ramsey for drinking in public and intimidating residents. The police were aware and investigated but the children could have run into the road and been injured. I also think more of a police presence in Ramsey town centre would be a good thing."

"It would be great to have some police presence in the town to get a grip on the drug issues we are currently experiencing"

"Visiting with my 13yr old daughter to the hairdresser,late appointment the local drunks were fighting each other in the street, obscene language and behaviour was disgusting. More to than obvious it's not the first time I've witnessed this behaviour.Didn't feel safe at all with my daughter witnessing the behaviour."

"There is up to 6 drunk people on benches across the road from b&m and around Nationwide bank during most days. My children and myself do not go into the area anymore unless there dad is with us, as we did once and there were drunk people shouting, arguing and throwing things my 6 year old was scared so we left."

"Whilst I strongly agree with the PSPO and approve strongly. My fear is the individuals it’s targeting will simply more to another area. Eg the Mill Lane park!"

"As there is rarely Police presence in Ramsey (which could be seen as a good thing) My concern is how will it actually be Policed? Will there be a community support officer allocated to the Town? I think police presence would also be a good visual deterrence. Every day there are the regular drinkers sitting in the nice seated area in Ramsey- no one else can sit there and the language isn’t what I want to expose to my child either. Recently an awful ncident happened to us in Ramsey and we don’t feel safe as it is. We moved here 4years ago and loved the place. Unfortunately it has a very dark side not everyone is aware of. Please help us feel safe and comfortable in our town with police presence-or there’s no point in the new orders. Thank you."

"Hopefully ramsey can get back to the lovely place it once was, its horrible when you can't go into town due to the drunks either at the park behind the library or on the benches in town"

"Areas of concern: Town centre River mill flats by the river embankment Millfields park These have all became areas of people taking drugs openly and drinking. People have been causing nuisance and risks to others."

"Taking my daughters through the town they drunkenly walk in front of your car and stop you. We have to walk a long way around to avoid them when going to hair dresser apps. The poor dog is out in all conditions and shouted and screamed at. I’m a confident individual and they intimidate me I can’t imagine what an elderly person feels like. I no longer allow my youngest daughter to meet friends in town because of them."

"A good idea as lots of noise in the Summer nights and early hours of the morning especially at weekends where the new Mooring homes are. Hopefully this could prove a useful deterrent."

"Overall it’s a positive step but by no means will it resolve the issue."

"I think this is an amazing idea. As a transwoman, I get heckled by these individuals who sit at the bus station on Great Whyte and haven't ever felt safe. They scare my young kids and I've heard them screaming abuse at others for fun. Please can you add the protection of Millfields Park, as they sometimes go there and will use that area all the time if they are banned from the other area. Thank you so much for keeping our community safe."

"It would be good to cover all the areas!"

"There is a lady who lives in Mill House, Silver Street, Ramsey who is friends with the men who are causing some of the problems. I believe that she has been given an eviction order but as of today 11 September she is still in residence there. I believe Mill House should also be included in your proposed area for the PSPO. Also damage that has been sustained to the wall by these undesirables at the beginning of Bankers Walk (New Road) has not been repaired and loose bricks are on the grass near the wall that could be used to cause damage to people and property by them."

"The people don't care about letters on lamposts, which is what this is. If they don't care about swearing and chasing children in the street, why would they care about you putting a sign up stating they can't do something that they already are and that common sense would suggest is wrong??? Lock them up!"

"Anti-social behaviour laws already cover what is in the proposed PSPO, but police do not enforce these, so what is going to change with a PSPO. Unless there is a daily police presence in town, nothing will change. Council are only getting involved as they see it as away of getting hold of increased funding and once this has been allocated, they will initially seem to act and then forget about the town again. The money would be better on employing a dedicated police officer covering Ramsey and the surrounding areas. Local Bobby on the beat!"

"If need to restrict, just restrict the centre of great Whyte around the market area and nothing else. If you want unto social behaviour reduced, first stop building new buildings and overcrowded the area. Let’s it as rural. There is no school, no dentist, no surgery etc.. because of these new builds. Since the overcrowding, people are not happier than before. The spirit of real Ramsey has gone. People are rude, no matters. 5 years ago, everyone was saying hi, smiling, happy, no stress, no traffic, more local commerces. Please understand happiness is more important than money. You can buy happiness. There is other ways to earn money. Don’t impact our residents and commerce futures."

"It would be nice to sit in town and not feel intimated by men who are shouting at each other and often drinking. They have a dog which may scare small children Litter sometimes thrown on the floor too. I would cross the road to avoid walking past."

"Between the school / council/ Cambs police .. we live in warboys . However , it’s important to maintain good community relations; so people can feel safe inside their homes and whilst using their community."

"Without the pspo in place I currently feel very uncomfortable and intimidating walking round town."

"Long overdue, but how is this going to be enforced in reality? Surely with properly resourced and visible policing the undesirable behaviours would already have been dealt with. Without proper enforcement (also by the police, I guess) what is this but a meaningless paper tiger?"

"This has been a long time coming."

"A greater police presence is required in Ramsey full stop. There are far too many aggressive ‘under the influence’ people who are blatant in both use and distribution."

"The smell of people smoking cannabis needs addressing, it not a pleasant walk with the kids through the town past the library."

"This is a positive move. The amount of antisocial behaviour is rising in our town and it is unacceptable. It makes residents nervous to use public spaces. I reported to the police that I was flashed at by an intoxicated man."

"Great idea - we need to rid Ramsey of exactly what this PSPO is trying to achieve. But as I've said about - who is going to enforce it? I don't support the 20 mph limit - and that doesn't matter either because it is not enforced. Without any enforcement these are purely wish lists that we hope people will change their behaviors and support."

"This is very much needed, please also consider extending as far as Tesco and also along the High Street."

"Need to ensure it is strongly enforced at the earliest convinience otherwise it is just another pointless paper exercise. Enforcement will be the only thing to let this down."

"I think the pspo needs to be followed through . I just wonder how it will be maintained . I feel they will still continue to try their luck."

"This is a fantastic plan… we’ve just moved into Ramsey & we look forward to the future plans for the safety of our children & our community."

"You can implement the PSPO if you like, but nobody will bother to enforce it (much like double yellow lines and previous dispersal orders etc). The police are never here and if they do eventually arrive, whatever situation has prompted them to be called is over."

"Ramsey Town and surrounding areas in recent years hasn't been a nice place to enter and is run by groups of people drinking by the clock tower. It isn't nice walking through with young children and hearing swearing, arguments, and other anti-social behaviour. I now actively avoid town because of it. You can often also smell cannabis from the flats above the library."

"Clear the Town Centre of Drunks, Druggies and lowlife characters"

"There was one before ....but the drunks returned! The dogs they have need to be removed too"

"Only concern is where they then move to I.e parks with small children etc but agree that something needs to be done."

"I would like to understand how the PSPO is enforced in the evenings when we don’t have a local police force in Ramsey anymore"

"There is often a feeling of intimidation in Ramsey due to anti-social behaviour by persons who are drunk or drug-taking in public spaces. It would be welcome if action was taken to make Ramsey a safer place to live and work."

"These issues have escalated over recent years, the behaviour of the people in question has also escalated and it prevents me from going to the area if I know they are there and have been drinking. My daughter is developing her independence as a 12yr old and I am not able to let her be out in Ramsey due to the risk a select few pose, she has previously been shouted at and approached by one of the regulars causing the issue when she was litter picking with her guide unit leaving her frightened. I would welcome this order to make Ramsey safer"

"I do not agree with CCTV monitoring or AI facial recognition. I would prefer to have people on the ground monitoring this. ie an actual police presence! I do not agree with the pedestrianization of Great Whyte as it will discourage people from stopping by to shop for things or go to a cafe, and where would they park?! Please do not introduce 5G in this town. It will have adverse health affects on people. Please research this. We do not want to live in a totalitarian state where people are monitored by '1984' cameras and technology. We do not have to subscribe to the WEF/ global elite vision of what the world and our neighbourhoods should be. Bring back a police station in Ramsey."

"Ramsey is becoming an unsafe place and as a parent it makes me feel very unsafe my children growing up around here."

"The crown in town is highly intimidating. We would be so much more comfortable with the PSPO order in place."

"The town needs some sort of presence and the crime rate is getting really bad"

"It’s about time something was done with these residents! So thank you."

"It will need enforcement."

"The shame of this is that it will move the 'problem' to another area or behind doors. Will it offer a solution to the reasons these issues exist? Will whatever action HDC and CC take go hand in hand with offers of rehabilitation from substance abuse? And support into work? Or will it just look to marginalise an already sidelined group of people (all beit intimidating to the general public) further. I would be interested in knowing what support will be offered and hope this is made public after the consultation period."

"Will it be extended further?"

"I am concerned that limiting the order to just these areas would force known offenders to move elsewhere. Additional areas that would be a concern for me are routes that school children make their way home through the town. I would suggested including the Abbey Green, the area around and behind the Abbey Rooms near the golf course, and the High Street."

"These offences should be considered such in all areas, not just those highlighted however, I appreciate that stronger policing in this particular area will have a positive impact on the prosperity of the town centre"

"Care will need to be taken to ensure that the problem isn’t allowed to just move elsewhere in Ramsey and cause the same problems"

"I live next to Newtown green and have often avoided going out when there are people drinking and under the influence of drugs on the green. When I do go out I then need to try to avoid the them in Great Whyte, or on the green if they have gathered there while I've been out. My life has been hell for the past couple of years trying to avoid these people. Navigating Ramsey has been like living in a video game with zombies popping up relentlessly. You never know when trouble is going to kick off. So I think this is what Ramsey needs. I hope it is enough and doesn't just shift the problem elsewhere."

"In order to uphold this, there will need to be a more regulate police/PCSO presence locally to enforce any rules"

"Some of these people walk from bury into Ramsey multiple times a day, shouting abuse and swearing, drunk, walking into the road holding up traffic, possibly on drugs. They have a dog with them that needs to be removed from their care."

"I find it odd that we need an order in place to allow/make the police, police our streets and deal with dangerous, anti social behaviour"

"My two year old son has been shouted at by one of the perpetual troublemakers in this area and was quite scared to walk past the group. They have also attempted to shout out to my autistic older son and upset him. I think this is a brilliant step to making the town centre feel safer"

"These are commonplace laws to begin with in society - what my spouse and I are wondering is who is going to enforce them? It's as if this is a reminder to "behave" like decent humans not raised in a barn, but if there is no law enforcement, how will this play out? Will it help or not?"

"It needs something, but just this along with a council who are otherwise ruining the town won't be of great benefit, and will allow the demise of Ramsey to continue."

"It won't work because with out a police presence people will take no notice of it. Ramsey is now becoming a society. Lawless"

"I recently moved to Ramsey. Big mistake. The town is awful with drunks and drug users hanging around. Wish we never moved here and will move out as soon as we can"

"Public intoxication in Ramsey town centre needs to be controlled/eradicated, along with control of the large dogs the group of intoxicants own."

"We need police presence. Such a shame the police station was shut down - that is what we need. Can you ensure that if antisocial people are caught, they won't just return a week later?"

"Greater police presence required in general around Ramsey town, Station Road, Little Whyte Blenheim Road etc. and surrounding roads, especially after dark. Speeding cars and aggressive behaviour happens often."

"What about parking on double yellow lines? The area around the junction of Great Whyte and High Street is a nightmare, and will get worse now that Dominos have received Planning Permission to open in the old Barclays Bank building on the corner of Great Whyte and Little Whyte. It is only a matter of time until someone is killed there - it won’t be the first person either, as one of my school friends was killed there some years ago."

"All you can do to help us feel safer in our town is welcome. I’ve lived here all my life and to see all the drunks and drug users abusing our town and surrounding areas is awful."

"People need to respect our lovely town. There are so many young people who don't need to see inappropriate behaviour."

"It's a good idea. We've felt intimidated and unable to challenge the street drinkers and drug users in case they are aggressive. I've seen one offerering 13 year old drinks of beer from his open bottle (I did talk tge these children, who thankfully refused) as well as offering to teach young girls how to make poppy tea. So, they really do need to be moved on. I would worry that this may move the problem elsewhere - but I guess another order could be applied if this did happen. I hope this cam happen quickly, so we can start to attract people to our town again."

"I fully support this much needed course of action. It's pretty much the same group of people spoiling the town centre and the green space off New Road with their drinking, foul language and intimidating behaviour. The sooner this happens the better."

"It won’t stop them."

"They’ll only move somewhere else. What’s wrong is the amount of housing being built and social tenants being moved to Ramsey and the lack of corresponding infrastructure. There’s no public transport options and no change to schools, doctors, support services or shops. You’re allowing more people to live here but not providing a quality of life for them or other residents. And pop up wooden market stalls is not going to change that either."

"It would be helpful for the Ramsey community to be advised of the actions that are taken to deal with breaches of the order if it is put in place. To provide confidence and restore the feeling that Ramsey is a safe place to live and work, can we be advised if offending individuals are supported to overcome their addiction, or deal with their own behaviour better, or whatever support they need? Or they arrested, kept in a cell for a few hours and then released? What is the long term plan?"

"Address the law breaking in the town centre. Cars parked illegally outside Nationwide and the George, drunks verbally abusing people by the clock town, drug addicts using the back green behind the library. It’s quite simple, make some arrests and tow and crush some cars!"

"I think a PSPO is what is so desperately needed in Ramsey. The PSPO should also include Little Whyte, the intoxicated individuals tend to congregate on the public bench set in an alcove adjacent to Whyte Court at various times day and night when they are moved on from the benches in the Great Whyte. A rough sleeper spasmodically uses this bench and this also attracts alcohol fuelled individuals and anti social behaviour, defecating and urinating in the bushes next to this bench."

"Why has it taken so long for this to even be proposed ? Those involved have been causing Asb for a number of years. More importantly a PSPO is OK on paperwork and signs but needs to be robustly enforced by both H.D.C and the Police. Not just there for a photo opportunity"

"You also need to have police presence in the town. The people that sit in the town drinking and swearing and intimidating and it is disgusting to have around children. Ramsey is just left totally on its own with a high population that is increasing constantly but with no police to keep people safe."

"It should ensure visiting Ramsey is a nice experience."

"There are larger issues here. 1. There are clearly drug users and dealers in the flats above the library. It stinks of cannabis when you walk past. The individuals causing issues in town are regularly seen at these flats. The residents are often very loud, using foul language (one flat in particular) but seemingly the police never to make arrests? (Ironically, the drug dealer was robbed earlier this year and I believe the police attended - but again no arrests made? I find it odd that a drug dealer would call the police when their drugs had been robbed! 2. The parking outside Wake & Bake to Nationwide has become dangerous. Again, seemingly nothing is done. 3. Dogs in town and public play parks should be on leads. They cause huge distress. 4. We now have a huge amount of young males with fundamental cultural differences towards women & girls which also cause huge anxiety. The vape shop and increasing Turkish Barbers do not seem like viable businesses. Are they legitimate? I would question this."

"I think this PSPO is the correct, and overdue, change for Ramsey Town Centre. It makes the area safer and more welcoming by tackling issues like public drinking, drug use, noise, and intimidating behavior. No one wants to deal with that when they’re out and about. Having these rules helps keep public spaces clean and calm, which benefits residents, businesses, and visitors. Plus, the exceptions for events show it's not about restricting community life but enhancing it. It also gives the police clear guidelines to handle problems. Overall, it's about creating a safe, pleasant environment for everyone."

"Only thing that I disagree with is that you have to put a PSPO in place?? Why should we have to do this to stop people pissing in the streets, shouting and physically abusing/intimating people isn’t this just the law? This is all already enforceable IF there is a police presence in Ramsey. This is pointless if there will be no more officers allocated to Ramsey."

"See previous answer Something needs to be done the people who do this are scaring residents in the area who are scare to walk past them without being abused or hounded for money"

"It would be nice to feel safe when I am waiting for public buses. I am a woman, and always feel vulnerable in my own town and I dont feel safe waiting for public transport with the local drunks. Very upsetting and intimidating."

"Long overdue"

"Winter coming! there will basically relocate themselves Also is not to difficult to cross the red line and do it in the place where the order doesn't exist. Second who is going to enforce the order? Third the system is wrong , how unemployed people can afford to drink all day long and not working. They are supported by government unfortunately and they are able to not work and leave high lifestyle. If you thinking you helping them by offering first dose of meds handed over first thing in the morning in the chemist you wrong ! You basically supporting bad habits!"

"After my 5 year old granddaughter witnessing drunken behaviour by the males that congregate on the benches fighting ( one hitting one with a shoe) asking unnecessary questions at that age re concerns if we go to town again will they be there? I can't welcome this enough. I have witnessed abuse being shouted at pedestrians in the area and elderly people unable to take a seat."

"Good plan, but it MUST be enforced."

"The number of drinkers and drug users that congregate on the green near the play area at the the the top of New Road / Whyte court is unreal and needs stopping."

"Thank you appreciate this going ahead. I hope it will stop people aa weve had people sit drink, smoke, take drugs, wave weapon around in town near library and clock tower opposite b and m. Is there any way the police can also check drug useds at library (above library) and houses near the parks in Ramsey (mill lane and near Newtown road) as often smell of weed and not nice with children going in and out of parks and library. thank you very much"

"I have personally been the victim of abusive language from a group who were drinking alcohol in the middle of the day."

"This problem has been going on for three years at least. If you are visiting Ramsey and arrive by bus, you are often greeted by this bunch of drunken loud mouth yobs as you leave the vehicle. They take over the seating provided in and around the town clock and bus stop directly opposite the library entrance. Shoppers in the town cannot use this seating area as they are made to feel intimidated and uncomfortable by the behaviour of the regular half dozen drunken idiots who gather there. It's not a good situation for any town to have. As they have been spoken to countless times about their behaviour when gathering there no no avail, l think a PSPO is the only solution."

"The sooner the better"

"I am hoping this is the first of a range of measures to tackle a range of anti-social issues that are impacting Ramsey, residents and businesses"

"As above on question 6. The effects on fine out Fridays and the jolly sailor outdoor seating
This will only work if it is implemented with vigour and purpose. The individuals and groups associated with the anti social behaviour have no regard for the law or common decency. They know that there are no police close by to challenge their actions. Similarly this is also why certain spots in Ramsey stink of weed. Drug deals happen openly on the street, this has been witnessed by many local residents. Please ensure the support and presence is provided to the town, over the last couple of years there has been a definite shift in the atmosphere around the town centre."

"Unfortunately as many will say, is there enough police presence to be able to enforce these proposals? Businesses need a way to contact authorities without being pressured to fill in forms as many of us do not have the time. Calling 101 means being told to fill a form to report anything. And nothing ever gets done! Perhaps if there will be changes to the system then perhaps it would work. I would also like to add, if we can include going through waste bins. I come to work and have to frequently close the heavy bin lid and remove rubbish from the ground that has already bin placed in the bin once. There are people who get our crates and place them in front of the bin to access it. So have to not leave any crates around. They also broke the lock for the bin! One person came in recently to complain that we need to separate our food waste so they can access it better! The audacity! Our bins are located in the proposed area. Thanks"

"This is excellent thank you. Me and my young daughters love walking to town but have recently stopped as they find these people really scary. I don’t feel safe either. The people watch us and make me feel really uncomfortable. This is really reassuring that this is being looked at."

"Need a higher police presence where possible"

"It is a real shame that Ramsey has at various times become a no-go area. You should be able to walk the streets any time of the day and not feel threatened."

The following is an email from Chief Inspector Mike Jackman, supporting the proposed PSPO, as part of statutory consultation:

I have had sight of the PSPO proposal that has been presented and can confirm that I had had the opportunity to review the report and consult with internal stakeholders from the local Neighbourhood Policing Team.

On behalf of Cambridgeshire Police, I am supportive of the proposal, and offer no suggested amendments or adjustments to either the conditions, or the geographical location.

It is my view that this PSPO will assist in combatting anti-social behaviour in the area.

Kindest Regards,

Mike Jackman
Chief Inspector | Neighbourhood Policing

The following is a letter from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, providing support for the proposed PSPO in Ramsey:

I refer to your email sent on 6th September 2024, regarding Huntingdonshire District Council's proposal for a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to be introduced within the Great Whyte, Mews Close Car Park, New Road and Newton Green areas of Ramsey. This is in response to an increase in reports of anti-social behaviour in these areas.

Firstly, I both welcome and thank Huntingdon District Council for undertaking the consultation to seek the views of the public and myself, as Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

This letter is my formal response to the PSPO consultation.

I fully appreciate the effects that anti-social behaviour can have on individuals and communities. Partnership working such as that between the Constabulary and Huntingdon District Council is key to co-ordinating an effective response to tackling issues and problems within the district.

Having contacted the Constabulary, I am aware that they support your proposal. I see this is a positive step for the community and the Police, therefore, I would have no objections and fully support Huntingdon District Councils proposal for the PSPO outlined in your letter.

Yours sincerely,

Police and Crime Commissioner