Parish council to identify the location for a skip of compost to be unloaded.
The compost will be delivered in a 3.3m by 1.6m skip which will be unloaded at the chosen location. The location doesn’t require a base for the compost to sit on.
Things to consider when identifying the location:
Ensure the land will withstand the weight of the vehicle and a fully laden skip. The vehicle must be able to drop the load from a hardstanding surface. The council will not be held liable for any damage caused.
Ensure there is a minimum of 3 metres (10 feet) width safe access and more than 5-meter height access.
If there are any barriers (gates, height restrictions) these will need to be opened prior to delivery.
Ensure there are no obstacles where the loose compost is to be sited.
A representative from the parish council or a nominated person is to be onsite to receive and sign for the delivery.