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Environmental Issues

Through the Biodiversity For All Programme, the Strategic Open Spaces Project focuses on 2 key sites across Huntingdonshire.

The Strategic Sites Report details how we decided on which sites to focus on first.

The project uses CPCA funding to help increase biodiversity specifically at these sites with the help of the community.

The project so far

  • January 2024 - evidence gathering and interpretation was completed

  • February/March 2024 - Community engagement and education was completed

  • April/May 2024 - Co-design with the community was completed

What's being done now?

Biodiversity for All: Enhancing Priory Park and Hill Rise

As part of our ongoing efforts to enrich the natural environment in Huntingdonshire, we will be carrying out several exciting biodiversity enhancement projects at Priory Park and Hill Rise. These works will improve wildlife habitats, promote native species, and make our parks even more enjoyable for the community. Here's what you can expect:

Priory Park: Upcoming works

1.  Arboriculture operations – Completed!

What was done: Essential tree care and management, including pruning and removal of unhealthy or obstructive trees to promote healthier growth.

Environmental benefits: Maintaining tree health helps support local wildlife and encourages the long-term growth of native species, creating a better habitat for birds, insects, and small mammals.

2.  Tree planting (supply, plant and secure) – Completed!

What was done: New trees will be planted across the park. These trees will be carefully chosen to match the local ecosystem, and they will be securely planted to ensure they establish well.

Environmental benefits: Planting more trees improves air quality, supports wildlife, and enhances the park’s natural beauty. The trees will help absorb carbon dioxide, playing a small but important role in tackling climate change.

3.  Pond clearance and formation

When: From the week of December 2024 to March 2025

What to expect: The trees on the west side of the pond will be removed to allow light to get in to the pond area. The pond will be restored to its original depth, with a protective bund (raised bank) built around the perimeter.

Environmental benefits: The restored pond will provide a crucial habitat for aquatic species, including frogs, newts, and insects. It will also enhance biodiversity by attracting birds and other wildlife that rely on water sources.

4.  Wildflower seeding


  • Prep work (ploughing area): Week of 17th February 2025
  • Seeding the wildflowers: Week of 24th February 2025

What to expect: The ground will be ploughed for the wildflower seeds to be sown. This will look unsightly for a period of time, but come spring you will see the benefits.

Environmental benefits: Wildflower meadows attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, which are vital for biodiversity. These areas also provide food and shelter for a variety of insects and small animals, helping to increase the ecological richness of the park.

Hill Rise: Upcoming works

1.  Arboriculture operations – Completed!

What to expect: Similar to Priory Park, tree maintenance will be carried out to ensure the health and safety of the park’s trees.

Environmental benefits: This work supports tree longevity and encourages a healthy park ecosystem that benefits wildlife and improves the green canopy of the park.

2.  Tree planting (supply, plant and secure) – Completed!

What to expect: New trees will be planted across Hill Rise, enhancing the park's natural landscape.

Environmental benefits: Planting native trees will boost local biodiversity, support wildlife, and create more green spaces for the community to enjoy. The trees will also help with carbon capture, contributing to climate action efforts.

3.  Wildflower seeding


  • Prep work (ploughing area): Week of 17th February 2025
  • Seeding the wildflowers: Week of 24th February 2025

What to expect: Similar to Priory Park, Hill Rise will undergo ground preparation and wildflower seeding to establish a vibrant wildflower meadow.

Environmental benefits: Wildflower areas support a wide range of pollinators and other wildlife, helping to create a more biodiverse and resilient ecosystem in the park.